Meet Equalt. We are here to help millions of people around the world take their first step into web 3.0

4 min readMar 16, 2022

Who we are, why we’re here, and why the future belongs to P2E games

Equalt. The first university in Metaverse

Let’s face the truth about Blockchain

We deeply value the concepts of blockchain, DeFi, and Web 3.0. We were even among those pioneers who were jumping into bitcoin back in 2012. Today, blockchain technologies are rapidly evolving and — the coolest part — spreading to new continents, countries and people.

But let’s face the truth: despite all the user-friendly exchanges, wallets, and media; the crypto community is still a fairly private club. If you’re not new to crypto, try to remember your feelings from when you were a newbie who just discovered the crypto side of Twitter. It was exciting, but very confusing, right? Not to mention purchasing your first coins, even advanced users can struggle with an unfamiliar blockchain or system.

There is no doubt that everyone wins from blockchain technologies becoming more popular and accessible. Just one question left — how do we make that happen? This is where play-to-earn games come in!

How the pandemic took P2E to a new level

April 2020 shut the whole planet down and left billions of people unemployed, many of them without savings. Good for those who had government support, but not everyone was that lucky, many countries just couldn’t offer their citizens that help. But then new reports began appearing that people in the Philippines and Venezuela literally started making a living playing blockchain-based games.

Today, we’ll leave the complex earning mechanics behind. We’ll only tip you off that people from countries with average monthly income below $500 will soon be able to quit their jobs and support themselves and their loved ones by earning with Metaverse.

All you need is a PC or a smartphone with internet access and a little effort to figure out the in-game mechanics (spoiler: we help you out with this). And if you think that this world is just for young people and early adopters, this documentary will prove you wrong.

Participants of the documentary, seniors couple

So, what do we have to do with this?

Equalt makes P2E games accessible by providing comprehensive onboarding, education and in-game mechanics analysis

We’re convinced that p2e games are the first step towards financial independence in Web 3.0 for millions of people. See for yourself:

  • In-game mechanics and game plots are intuitively easy-to-follow for most people: unlike traditional stock exchanges and marketplaces, they don’t cause confusion or rejection
  • Most games have comparatively low entrance costs — and guilds can cover the entrance fee if you can’t do it yourself
  • A player only needs to create a wallet, buy a character and learn the basics of farming mechanics — no special economic/blockchain skills required

There is a definite need to create a bridge between thousands of unemployed & underemployed people and the breakthrough technologies that can solve their problems. Equalt education will gladly act as such a bridge.

While working on this project, we interviewed hundreds of players from all over the world. Here are the top-3 problems they face:

  • Most newcomers lack basic knowledge on how to even start playing (e.g, create a wallet, buy a character, cash money out). Even though many entering the Web 3.0 ecosystem are afraid of scams, they often lack the funds to get started with more established games like Axie Infinity
  • Many players are looking for new games and communities which meet all their demands — but this consumes a lot of time and energy
  • Advanced players want to go deeper into earning mechanics and always remain in the loop

Well, sounds like a challenge — our project is here to solve all of the above!

Equalt brings developers, guilds and players together

Bless networking! Thanks to our brilliant partners (to be announced soon), we’re not just creating an edu-portal, but an entire autonomous ecosystem. Our aim is to consider the interests of developers, guilds and single players alike — in order to create a truly beneficial experience in the Metaverse.

Equalt #1 mission

We help developers with:

  • Providing turnkey game onboarding: we design video-instructions, navigate and test players progress
  • Engaging tens of thousands of interested users with the help of our marketing techniques and loyal audience
  • Increasing user retention: our students won’t quit playing if they face some minor difficulties in the game

When it comes to guilds, we help managers by selecting the most motivated scholars. We test their skills and background and offer scholarships to the strongest players first. Guilds can be sure that Equalt students will offer top performance.

That’s what we call a win-win-win strategy!

Equalt is a pioneering Web 3.0 university

We like thinking globally. We have no doubts that in a few years the whole world will be deeply involved with the Metaverse, which goes far beyond just gaming. This new world calls for thousands of developers, authors, designers and even virtual real estate agents!

Our team has solid expertise in education and communications. We believe that we know how to explain complex things simply and build a strong community.

We are ready to start today. Are you in?

Follow us to stay up-to-date on our project. Welcome to Web 3.0!




The first university in Metaverse. We help millions of people to turn passion into a profession (